Sunday, April 13, 2014

What does caffeine and dairy do to your body?

I have never been the type of person to eat a lot for breakfast. Although it's important to keep your food in check early in the morning, a life like mine (unemployed) needs no exaggeration on watching every bit of food I eat. However, I make sure my health is safe and sound.

This, for me is the perfect combination for a minimal breakfast. I'm not a big eater, and I tend to eat little food at least every 2-3 hours a day. It's very rare that I eat a heavy meal and follow the 5 hour rule. Everyone has a unique metabolism. 

So why coffee and cheese for breakfast? Because it's delicious. Ha! Kidding aside, I think everyone should know the pros and cons of the food they eat. So here it is:

The pros and cons of CAFFEINE:
1. Caffeine increases memory. (Read)
2. Caffeine mixed with carbs replenishes muscle glycogen concentrations faster after exercise. Note that this benefit is highly leaning on the people with an athletic side. (Read)
3. Caffeine relieves post-workout muscle pain by upto 48% (Read)
4. Caffeine can ease depression by increasing dopamine in the brain.
5. Caffeine can cause nervousness and restlessness.
6. Caffeine can cause stomach pains.
7. Caffeine can cause rapid heartbeat.
8. Caffeine can cause muscle tremors and irritability.

I for one love coffee, and can seriously get pissed off if I don't get to drink it everyday. However, making sure that I only drink one cup a day makes it a healthy part of my diet. Note that there are a lot of food and drinks that contain caffeine. I always make sure that my intake of caffeine is at a minimal to avoid any side effects. Too much good can sometimes be bad.

The pros and cons of DAIRY: 
1. Intake of dairy can help improve bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
2. Dairy can reduce risk of cardiovascular disease.
3. Dairy is high in calcium.
4. Dairy can help reduce high blood pressure.
5. Dairy products can be high in fat and dietary cholesterol.
6. Dairy can cause some problems in digestion for some people.
7. Dairy has been known to be associated with respiratory distress/allergies such as wheezing, swelling of the air way, coughing, sneezing, asthma attacks.

All in all dairy to me, is just another way of turning my mood good. I can vouch that dairy has a small yet consistent part in my diet. I do find that more intake of dairy products cause some problems on skin. I don't necessarily know why, but I've experimented a lot in eating different types of food, minimal and excessive to see which causes what. I highly suggest that anyone should give a lot of thought in experimenting with food and its effects. Not everyone has a high tolerance in balancing body chemistry. A doctor's advice is still better than just doing it yourself (unless you're a food genius.)

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