Sunday, July 29, 2012

Dinner at Johnny Chow

We don't usually go out on family dinners nor do we eat all together at home. Eating together is a rare occasion in my family. We all have different schedules so timing is hard to come by.

Last night my brother decided to treat us all to dinner. We went to Johnny Chow to feast! I've never eaten in Johnny Chow before, so I'm gonna write about it.

Honestly when I passed by this restaurant before, what came to my mind was alcohol. The first thing I saw were blue lights and what looked to be a mini bar. I had to look twice to see that this was actually Asian Cuisine.

When I entered, I looked around and a lot of things called my attention. A floral lamp with a blue base, faces posted behind chairs. A total mixture of different Asian and modern aspects. All in all, me like.


Pimped out Mona Lisa = WIN

Male Waiters wore black uniforms while the female waiters were like Nicki Minaj - Asian style. They all had wigs of different colors.


We were served with cold lemon water while we waited for our food. Although I appreciated it, I would have loved to have been given a choice if I wanted warm water, or house tea. Some people don't drink cold water.

I felt a bit off with the service because the table after us got their food at least 10 minutes before we did. 

We ordered these:

"Eat Pray Love"

I am amused with the playfulness of the menu. :) Food presentation was all good for dinner. Mommy wasn't a big fan of the shrimp. According to her, it didn't taste fresh. The salad was also served with the sauce already poured in, and may have stayed in the counter for a while, which made the vegetables a wee bit saggy. Taste wise, this dish was okay.

"Chuck Norris"

Okay, seriously Chuck Norris? haha. I loved this dish. Taste, texture, flavor = YUMM! Wish I could've eaten more.

"Lechon Macau and Honey Pork Barbecue"


"Wu Hun Chicken - Sweet & Sour"

This dish was good too, but it tasted ordinary.

The only thing I can say I didn't like at all, was the constant running and bumping into chairs of so many servers. It's as if they were all in a state of panic , running around like crazy kids while dangerously holding hot food that might spill over anyone. You can see others walking around but not exactly accomplishing anything.

Johnny Chow needs improvement on their servers training. Customers do not appreciate having dinner feeling like "Oops. It's time for one of the servers to fall!"

Aside from the chaos of running, dinner was nice. I would recommend Johnny Chow to any one of my friends.

I'm giving the restaurant as a whole:

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